Stop Treating Symptoms
Fix The Cause

I was a pharmacy owner for almost two decades.

Here's what I observed. Instead of people taking medication to get better,

they were continually prescribed MORE and MORE PRESCRIPTIONS. Their chronic health problems were rarely cured!


The truth is, prescription drugs WON'T heal you. 

They will only control symptoms.


To heal your body, you must fix the CAUSE.

Sick of taking medication?
Sick of never getting answers to your problem?
Sick of suffering from chronic illness?

If that's you then you need to know there are answers!

The Peak Health Framework...A System That Works

The Peak Health Framework is the get-well roadmap for addressing the underlying causes of most chronic symptoms.

This framework targets the primary issues behind most common health problems. Some of those areas are:



You CANNOT heal without eating the right foods and AVOIDING THE WRONG FOODS! You'll learn what foods to eat to give you more energy and heal faster.


Stress, Anxiety, Dementia...

These are the primary reasons behind most doctor’s office visits. Medication is ineffective for these conditions. You'll learn how to address underlying causes behind these symptoms.

Gut health

Gut Health

Poor gut health is THE #1 CAUSE of most chronic health problems today. You MUST restore the health of your GI tract to get well. You'll learn how to restore your gut health.



Toxins from our environment, both internal and external, are a major cause of illness. We must rid our body of harmful toxins and assist it in efficient detoxification.


Sleep and Exercise

The body CANNOT heal without QUALITY SLEEP. You'll learn what changes to make so you can enjoy deep restful sleep. Regular exercise is also essential.

Social connection

Social Connection

Connection influences longevity MORE THAN ANY OTHER FACTOR! You'll learn why this is  important to your overall health and what you can do to connect.

I Went Rogue...
& Completely Changed My Approach to Helping Patients Solve Their Health Problems

Hi. I'm Dr. Lynn Quiring. 

I help people solve their health problems by addressing root causes instead of treating symptoms. 


Nobody gets well by endlessly treating symptoms.


Here's what I do know. Fix the ROOT CAUSE and symptoms go away. 

I can teach you how.

Book a call and let's chat about it.

Here's what others like you are saying...

Dawn (34)

"Moving forward"

“We have seen much progress. We believe for the first time we are doing more than treating symptoms. We know there is no quick or easy solution to our situation but we believe we have put some major pieces of the puzzle together. For the first time in many years we are moving forward.”  -W.H.

Dawn (33)

"Easily implemented"

“Each session had practical value and take-aways that could be easily implemented. You were very engaging and you have the background, data and science to support what you say.”    -V.R.


"On the right track"

“I honestly wondered if there were any answers and whether the pain was just something I was going to have to learn to tolerate. I received explanations that made sense--because they were based on a holistic approach.  I instinctively knew that I was on the right track.”   -M.D.

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Heal your illness without medication.

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